Sequins and Sea Breezes: So this is what Duval Street looks like...

So this is what Duval Street looks like...


Day two we decided to spend walking around Key West and doing some shopping and bar hopping before going out for the evening. On our main bar hopping night we like to keep it casual during the day so we aren't too exhausted at night. Let's face it people, I'm an old woman now so staying out past 11 pm is definitely a struggle!
Duval Street in the afternoon and evening can be insanely packed so trying to get a people-less picture can be pretty impossible but walking around in the morning it can definitely be done. Oh and did I mention it's not nearly as hot out then either? I have to admit, some of the bars in the day time really make you question whether you want to hit them up after hours but don't worry, a few drinks in and you won't even be thinking about that! Some of them even have a bit of charm you wouldn't really expect a bar to have.

Agave 308 Tequila Bar {the last two pictures} was our first stop on our bar tour, mainly because we wanted to get out of the heat and rest for a bit, but if you like tequila this is definitely a must stop at bar. It's off Duval and more quite than some of the other bars (at least during the day) and I found out way more about tequila in the hour we spent in this bar than I ever thought possible. It was so cool to learn about different tequilas and to have a few (amazing) drinks. I also got to try a house made habanero tequila and wow... it was hot. The extremely knowledgable bartender, Tim, was great at making suggestions to us and giving us some background on tequila.

 The Rum Bar is definitely another must go to in my opinion. It's a very relaxed laid back environment with amazing drinks and every rum known to man. On previous trips the bartender was Bahama Joe but this time we had a woman who was very knowledgable about rums. One of the guys in our group wanted to try a good rum so he got her advice and got it on the rocks and I must admit, there's a huge difference between a rum and a good rum.     

{If you go to The Rum Bar get the rum runner and sit outside and people watch!}

After that I really feel like you can't go wrong with hitting up any of the bars on Duval St.
 The Whistle Bar is a great place to people watch and if you're feeling adventurous head upstairs to The Garden of Eden. It's definitely an interesting experience that's for sure! Sloppy Joe's is an obvious great spot to hit up, it's probably one of the most well known bars in Key West. Ernest Hemingway had been known to hit up Sloppy Joe's for a drink or two however the location it is now is the new location. If you want to check out the same location Ernest frequented just go around the corner to Captain Tony's Saloon. This place also happens to be on one of the ghost tours of Key West since it was originally built as a morgue in the 1800's! 

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  1. Love seeing all the familiar spots, great list! Your posts are making me want to plan another trip back :)

  2. I've never been to Key West but by seeing your pictures you are making me want to go lol. By the way love your Alex & Ani bracelets between these and Pandora I'm basically obsessed.

  3. people watching? count me in :) quit posting photos that make me jealous and want to be there. jk keep posting :) xo


  4. this looks so fun! i definitely want to go here before i'm old or have kids lol.

  5. Now I want a drink!! I love Duval St! That blue drink looks so yummy!

    <3 Shannon

  6. I definitely want to go there now, and YUM rum :)

  7. Ok now I am officially envying you. Have fun! Enjoy!

  8. Such a charming place! And how yummy do those drinks look? :)


  9. Yay for rum! It's always a good idea. :) Again, looks like you had a great trip - I'll add these places to my list when we finally visit!

  10. This looks so fun! I love the historical look of the street! Your mirrored sunnies are too cute!


  11. Pretty, have an amazing time!


  12. This looks like such a fun weekend getaway! I love your Alex and Ani bangles!


  13. Mmmm I could go for a rum runner right now! Sloppy Joe's just looks like a good time!

  14. Ugh, I need to move to Florida ASAP! Totally gonna save these posts for whenever I get to make a Key West trip!

    xo Kylie

  15. So fun, my husband would have went crazy for the sloppy joe bar!

    xx Cara

  16. Making me more jealous today! :) Those drinks. GIMME!
    xo Erin

  17. I love how all the bars are old houses - so charming. And drink-friendly, clearly ;)

  18. Yay to more Key West posts!! And Sloppy Joe's Bar is so good!!
    xo TJ


  19. Adding this to my places to visit list! Looks like a blast.
    Isn’t That Charming.

  20. Adding this to my "Places to visit" list! Looks like a blast.
    Isn’t That Charming.

  21. wonderful impressions!
    happy day!


  22. So fun!!! Adding it to my vacation list :)


  23. Looks like you had a really fun time! Great pictures!

  24. Isn't it crazy how certain locations can completely transform at night time & almost not feel like the same place? So glad you had a great trip!


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